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Carman Cook-Campbell • CEO-Chief Swabber
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Sharon Franklin • Secretary
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Dr. Anthony Russell MD, MBA, MPH • Medical Adviser & Director
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Maximum Number of Shares Offered subject to adjustment for bonus shares
COVID Relief
This offering is being conducted on an expedited basis due to circumstances relating to COVID-19 and pursuant to the SEC’s temporary regulatory COVID-19 relief set out in Regulation Crowdfunding §227.201(z).
Expedited closing sooner than 21 days
In reliance on Regulation Crowdfunding §227.303(g)(2) A funding portal that is an intermediary in a transaction involving the offer or sale of securities initiated between May 4, 2020, and August 31, 2020, in reliance on section 4(a)(6) of the Securities Act (15 U.S.C. 77d(a)(6)) by an issuer that is conducting an offering on an expedited basis due to circumstances relating to COVID-19 shall not be required to comply with the requirement in paragraph (e)(3)(i) of this section that a funding portal not direct a transmission of funds earlier than 21 days after the date on which the intermediary makes publicly available on its platform the information required to be provided by the issuer under §§227.201 and 227.203(a).
*Maximum Number of Shares Offered subject to adjustment for bonus shares. See Bonus info below.
Friends and Family Bonus
Invest within the first 72 hours and receive an additional 25% bonus shares*
Super Early Bird Bonus
Invest within the first 10 days and receive an additional 20% bonus shares*
Early Bird Bonus
Invest within the first 30 days and receive an additional 15% bonus shares*
*Investments made within the first 30 days for the “Friends and Family Bonus”, "Super Early Bird Bonus" and the “Early Bird Bonus” cannot combine perks with any other bonus share offer. If an investment is made within the first 30 days, the best, and only, the bonus offer will apply.
Amount Based Perks:
$750+ 15% lifetime discount on any Better Family products ordered from company websites.
$1,000+ 20% lifetime discount on any Better Family products ordered from company websites.
$1,250+ 10% bonus shares and 20% lifetime discount on any Better Family products ordered from company websites.
$1,500+ 15% bonus shares and 20% lifetime discount on any Better Family products ordered from company websites.
$1,750+ 20% bonus shares and 20% lifetime discount on any Better Family products ordered from company websites.
$2,000+ 25% bonus shares and 20% lifetime discount on any Better Family products ordered from company websites.
$2,500+30% bonus shares and 20% lifetime discount on any Better Family products ordered from company websites.
$5,000+ 35% bonus shares and 20% lifetime discount on any Better Family products ordered from company websites.
*All perks occur when the offering is completed.
The 10% Bonus for StartEngine Shareholders
Swabbies Tech. Inc, will offer 10% additional bonus shares for all investments that are committed by investors that are eligible for the StartEngine Crowdfunding Inc. OWNer's bonus.
This means eligible StartEngine shareholders will receive a 10% bonus for any shares they purchase in this offering. For example, if you buy 100 shares of Common Stock at $1.43 / share, you will receive 110 shares of Common Stock, meaning you'll own 110 shares for $143. Fractional shares will not be distributed and share bonuses will be determined by rounding down to the nearest whole share.
This 10% Bonus is only valid during the investors eligibility period. Investors eligible for this bonus will also have priority if they are on a waitlist to invest and the company surpasses its maximum funding goal. They will have the first opportunity to invest should room in the offering become available if prior investments are cancelled or fail.
Investors will only receive a single bonus, which will be the highest bonus rate they are eligible for.
Irregular Use of Proceeds
Venture Club
Venture Club Members earn 10% bonus shares on top of this and all eligible investments for an entire year. Not a member? Sign up at checkout ($275/year).
Cancel anytime before 48 hours before a rolling close or the offering end date.
We want you to succeed and get the most out of your money by offering rewards and memberships!
Your info is your info. We take pride in keeping it that way!
Invest in over 200 start-ups and collectibles!
With Regulation A+, a non-accredited investor can only invest a maximum of 10% of their annual income or 10% of their net worth per year, whichever is greater. There are no restrictions for accredited investors.
With Regulation Crowdfunding, non-accredited investors with an annual income or net worth less than $124,000 are limited to invest a maximum of 5% of the greater of those two amounts. For those with an annual income and net worth greater than $124,000, they are limited to investing 10% of the greater of the two amounts.
At the close of an offering, all investors whose funds have “cleared” by this time will be included in the disbursement. At this time, each investor will receive an email from StartEngine with their Countersigned Subscription Agreement, which will serve as their proof of purchase moving forward.
Please keep in mind that a company can conduct a series of “closes” or withdrawals of funds throughout the duration of the campaign. If you are included in that withdrawal period, you will be emailed your countersigned subscription agreement and proof of purchase immediately following that withdrawal.
StartEngine assists companies in raising capital, and once the offering is closed, we are no longer involved with whether the company chooses to list shares on a secondary market or what occurs thereafter. Therefore, StartEngine has no control or insight into your investment after the close of the live offering. In addition, we are not permitted to provide financial advice. You may want to contact a financial professional to discuss possible investment outcomes.
For Regulation Crowdfunding, investors are able to cancel their investment at any point throughout the campaign up until 48 hours before the closing of the offering. Note: If the company does a rolling close, they will post an update to their current investors, giving them the opportunity to cancel during this timeframe. If you do not cancel within this 5-day timeframe, your funds will be invested in the company, and you will no longer be able to cancel the investment. If your funds show as ‘Invested’ on your account dashboard, your investment can no longer be canceled.
For Regulation A+, StartEngine allows for a four-hour cancellation period. Once the four-hour window has passed, it is up to each company to set their own cancellation policy. You may find the company’s cancellation policy in the company’s offering circular.
Once your investment is canceled, there is a 10-day clearing period (from the date your investment was submitted). After your funds have cleared the bank, you will receive your refund within 10 business days.
Refunds that are made through ACH payments can take up to 10 business days to clear. Unfortunately, we are at the mercy of the bank, but we will do everything we can to get you your refund as soon as possible. However, every investment needs to go through the clearing process in order to be sent back to the account associated with the investment.
Both Title III (Regulation Crowdfunding) and Title IV (Reg A+) help entrepreneurs crowdfund capital investments from unaccredited and accredited investors. The differences between these regulations are related to the investor limitations, the differing amounts of money companies are permitted to raise, and differing disclosure and filing requirements. To learn more about Regulation Crowdfunding, click here, and for Regulation A+, click here.